Beth Dunnington was at LAX waiting to board the plane to Portland. A toddler, around 18 months old, was having a tough time. Due to his kicking, screaming, and lying on the ground it was hard for the mother to get ready to board the plane. Overwhelmed, the pregnant mom sat on the floor, put her head in her hands, and began to cry. As if on cue, six women, from different parts of the waiting area in the terminal, came together and sat in a circle around the mother and little boy. None of the women knew each other, but they had a common goal. Beth began singing “The Itsy-Bitsy Spider” to the boy. Another lady had an orange that she peeled. One woman had a toy in her bag that she pulled out for the toddler to play with. Another person gave the mom a bottle of water while another helped the mom pull out the toddler’s sippy cup to give to him. It wasn’t long before the mother and son were calmed down and able to make it on their flight. Beth later commented, “After they went through the door, we all went back to our separate seats and didn’t talk about it. We were strangers, gathering to solve something.”
Sabrina Laffan picked her teenaged son up from school. They stopped for a snack and then drove through the car wash before heading home. As they exited the car wash, her son noticed a woman wearing baseball cleats and pushing a shopping cart along the road. After commenting that he wished he could buy shoes for everyone who needed them, they stopped a block away at Ross. Her son bought a pair of tennis shoes, a pair of boots for when the weather turned colder, and a pack with six pairs of socks. They drove back and found the woman. Sabrina’s son got out of the car and gave her the gifts. In return, he received a big hug. When they determined that the shoes were the right size, he carefully removed the tags and helped the woman put on her new shoes. When he returned to the car he said, “Ma, today is her birthday. She was so happy.” Sabrina commented, “This simple act of selflessness turned it all around. It put things in perspective for him and for me, too. He didn’t ask questions, judge her or talk negatively about her situation. He simply cared. This kid goes to school, plays football and works six hours a week. He took basically one week of his pay and unknowingly made this beautiful lady’s birthday special – all because he cared.”
Whether with strangers, family, or friends, may we, too, quickly respond with care when seeing a need.
Do everything in love.
1 Corinthians 16:14