Saturday, October 29, 2022

Thoughtfulness in Action

In 2017, the University of Iowa Children’s Hospital opened a new building, which overlooks the football stadium.  It wasn’t long before a fan suggested a plan to cheer up the children who were in the hospital.  To this day, for every home game, the “Hawkeye Wave” is performed at the end of the first quarter.  At that time, the crowd, players, officials, broadcasters, and staff all turn to the hospital and wave to the children.  Even the opposing team and fans join in the tradition. 

Every day, a mall security guard goes to the parking lot and helps a 94-year-old WWII veteran retrieve his wheelchair from the trunk of his car so he can enjoy coffee and times of fellowship with his friends in the food court.


In hopes of giving back to her community, and encouraging others to do so as well, Olivia Johnson is suggesting that people call, or go by, a local school and pay off one or more of the overdue lunch accounts and then add $10 to the balance.


At the recent Vidor vs. Lumberton football game, one of the Vidor players was injured.  While he was being treated, the Vidor team huddled up and began praying for him.  Soon the Lumberton team went across the field and joined in praying for the injured player.  Jarrod Brown said, “The parents of these young men should be very proud.  Life is bigger than a single game and this should be a reminder of that.”


Laura Montgomery’s family attended the high school football game to watch the game and her oldest son, Parker, march and play in the band.  After the game, while Laura was visiting with a friend, she noticed her son Pierson picking up the trash that their fans had left at the visiting stadium.  His brother, Pryce, soon joined him in the task.  By the time they needed to leave, most of the visiting team’s stands were cleared of trash.


May we each be willing to do our part to make life easier and better for others.



Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.

1 Timothy 6:18

Saturday, October 22, 2022

The Yellow Pumpkin


Jennifer and Jonathan Kerley, and their young children, were vacationing in Grayton Beach, Florida.  They had plans to eat dinner at a well-known restaurant.  After arriving, they discovered they wouldn’t be seated for over two hours.  With young children, they decided to call around and eat at another place that evening.

Grayton Seafood Company was the place of choice.  The fall décor was up and there were pumpkins galore.  In the middle of the display was a bright yellow pumpkin.  Jennifer commented on the pumpkin’s uniqueness to the hostess, who happened to be the owner.  She sat down at their table and talked about finding it.  “It just stood out at the Farmers Market!  I had to get it!”


Throughout the evening, the Kerley family spoke with the owner, their waitress, servers, and with other diners.  Conversations came up about the beach, families, traveling, adoption, church, and mission trips.  Mostly, Jesus continued to come up while they visited.


After paying the bill, the Kerleys packed up to leave.  The owner came over and handed Jennifer the yellow pumpkin.  She explained, “It has been a hard day at the restaurant.  Your family brought God to our restaurant tonight and that’s just what we needed.”  Jennifer was touched by the kind gift and words.  Once home, the yellow pumpkin was placed in the foyer so the family could see and enjoy it every day. 


About a month after the beach outing, Jennifer was praying about their family’s purpose.  They were just ordinary people, but she wanted their lives to count.  The words, “Be the yellow pumpkin!” came to her.  She knew what they meant.


“Stand out.

Look different.”


Jennifer expressed, “She (the owner of the restaurant) thought she was handing us a pumpkin…what she was actually handing us was a reminder, a calling, a mandate.” 


Whether at the store, park, ballgame, shopping, work, church, or wherever you go, be the yellow pumpkin.


“And trust that wherever HE places us is right where HE calls us to be.”


“So go…and be the yellow pumpkin.”


May we too be willing to:

…stand out.

…look different.

…take Jesus wherever we go.



“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

Matthew 5:14-16


“But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

Joshua 24:15


Saturday, October 15, 2022

Remembering, Celebrating, Giving Thanks


My Dad was born 100 years ago today!  Although he is celebrating his 22nd birthday in heaven, there is still much gratitude for the love and relationship shared, lessons taught, expectations, and memories.  When our parents married, one of their goals was to raise a close family.  I’m so grateful they pursued their desire by intentionally creating traditions, providing opportunities, and modeling Christianity and how we were to live.  Dad’s legacy lives on!

A few of Dad’s mandates and advice:

* Treat and speak to your mother respectfully, at ALL times.

* Express appreciation with your words, both spoken and written.

* Making lists helps keep you organized.

* Smile before answering the phone (for better chances of a pleasant voice.)

* You only have one chance to make a good first impression.

* Dress the best you can for the occasion.

* Keep in touch with relatives.

* Turn off the light when leaving an empty room.  (Having to pay a quarter if you didn’t helped instill this rule quickly.)

* Close the door behind you.  We’re not air-conditioning all of Pasadena.

* Empty the lint trap on the dryer after each load, to conserve energy and keep the dryer working at its best.

* Decide what you need before you open the refrigerator door.

* Your friends at church will be your lifelong friends.

* Church is a priority.

* Be intentional about treasuring and loving the family and friends you still have with you.


May we, too, instill and invest in a legacy that will last long after we are gone.



   Listen, my son, to your

father's instruction and do

not forsake your mother’s

   teaching. They are a

garland to grace your head

   and a chain to adorn your


Proverbs 1:8-9


Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.

Proverbs 17:6


Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

Ephesians 6:1