Saturday, September 14, 2024

Thoughtful Acts


The Brown’s neighbor, Ms. Connie, heard the results from Laura’s most recent medical tests, after breast cancer treatments, and wanted to celebrate with her.  That afternoon, Ms. Connie showed up at Laura’s door and presented her with a bouquet of roses and lilies.  She also brought a toy for her granddaughter.  Ms. Connie shared, “I am just so happy that you are in remission and I just wanted to bring you these.”  Laura said, “She made my day and my granddaughter loves the sand toy.”

A family passed a young couple in the cemetery.  They were placing flowers on a grave.  Then they noticed they were leaving flowers on every grave.  Approaching the couple, the man asked if it was a Memorial Day gesture.  The young woman replied, “No, we just got married and we wanted to do something meaningful with the flowers left over from our wedding.”


At the end of the Qatar-Ecuador match, fans rushed out of the stadium to beat the traffic.  It was noted that dozens of Japanese fans had stayed in the stadium.  After the other people cleared out, using the trash bags they brought with them, they spent over an hour cleaning up the trash.


On September 5, 2024, in his rookie season with the Kansas City Chiefs, Xavier Worthy scored his first touchdown.  While his teammates and coaches were congratulating Xavier, Patrick Mahomes, quarterback, went to the referees and asked for the football to give to Worthy as a reminder of that significant touchdown.


While driving to work, Kayla Thomas often noticed the lady standing at the crosswalk in front of Laney and Trask.  Waving and smiling, she helped the children cross the street safely.  On this particular morning, Kayla noticed that the crossing guard had a rack of coats by the sidewalk with signs that said, “Free coats.”  Thomas commented, “There is still good in this world, despite what we see and hear every day.  People like her give the rest of us hope that we can all live in peace, and focus on the things that really matter.”


This week, may our actions and words also be done in love.


Do everything in love.

1 Corinthians 16:14

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Words to Consider


"True strength is not measured

by how much you can overpower

others, but by how much you

can empower them.”

~ Bobby J. Mattingly



“I love a person

who walks through life

like they’re stitching

the world back together, one

act of kindness at a time.”

~ Case Kenny



“Kindness is not an act.

It is a reflection

of your soul.”

~ Lucy Viljoen



“It is not who is right,

but what is right,

that is important.”

~ Thomas Huxley



Someone once said,

“If you get on the wrong

train, be sure to get off at

the first stop.  The longer

you stay on, the more

expensive the return trip is

going to cost you.”

They weren’t talking

about trains.

~ Eleanor Rees
















~ Toby Mac



“You can’t lift a thousand

pounds all at once.

Yet, you can easily lift one

 pound a thousand times.

Tiny, repeated efforts

will get you there.”

~ Marc & Angel Chernoff



“No one is

useless in this

world who

lightens the

burdens of


~ Charles Dickens



“A mistake repeated more

than once is a choice.”

~ Paulo Coelho



“A little consideration,

a little thought for others,

makes all the difference.”

~ Eeyore



This week, may our thoughts, words, and actions be pleasing to God and bless others.


May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Psalm 19:14