Saturday, February 10, 2018

Making Life Count

 About a year ago, Mary, 17 years old, found out that her neighbor, Glen, had been diagnosed with Stage 3 cancer.  He was struggling with both his health and maintaining his home.  A group was called in to make some home modifications to make it easier for Glen during his illness.  When the team arrived they discovered that Mary, even though she is of small build, had been carrying fresh water in gallon jugs to Glen for almost a year.  She also brings food and has Bible studies with him in his home.  In addition, Mary takes the time to text Glen every day.  If he does not respond, she assures him she will go and check on him.  Glen told the workers, “She’s the reason I am alive.” 

In the fall of 2016, Matthew Garcia found out that he didn’t qualify for the state cross-country track meet during his senior year in high school.  That evening, even with the disappointing news, he still went to his younger brother’s football game with his mother.  At half-time, the cheerleaders were doing a special cheer with their fathers.  Addie Rodriguez, 9 years old, was standing by herself.  As the other girls were lifted to their fathers’ shoulders, Addie covered her face and burst into tears.  Without hesitation, Matthew jumped over the fence and asked Addie if he could hoist her to his shoulders like the other cheerleaders.  Addie readily accepted his offer and while the crowd cheered the two finished the cheer with the rest of the group.  Matthew and his mother later learned that the reason Addie’s dad was not present was because he is serving our country as a senior airman and medevac tech in the Air Force.  At the time of the game, Addie’s father was on a training mission.  Matthew Garcia was honored at the “2017 Musial Awards” which recognizes recipients for great moments in sportsmanship in North America.  He didn’t think he deserved all of the attention for his act of kindness.  When interviewed he stated:  “After I’ve seen the impact that something that little causes, you never know what could happen.  A small gesture can make somebody’s day, and that means a lot to me.”  Even when facing disappointment from the news about the state track meet, Matthew chose to do something that made a big difference in someone else’s day.

Jason Schneidman is the hair dresser for several “A List” celebrities and clients in Los Angeles.  He also uses his skills and talent to help give dignity to the 60,000 homeless by giving free haircuts.  Schneidman has now organized a campaign called “Street Cuts” because he understands the power of a fresh haircut.  “Their appearance changes and their attitude changes… People around them see these people differently.”  Jason realizes the importance of hope because 13 years ago he had a helping hand getting back on his feet after recovering from a drug and alcohol addiction.  Jason said, “If we all do a little, we can help out a lot.”

We don’t have to wait for a program to be announcement, a committee to be formed, or someone else to come up with a plan before we offer to help.  We can each do our part making a difference, making life count, one act of kindness at a time. 

“You are now called by God to showcase the power of His Spirit by the way you live.  Your mission is to do this until He calls you home or returns to end human history, and you will be rewarded – by the God who created you, the Son who died for you, and the Spirit who empowered you – for giving the world an accurate picture of His love.”  Francis  Chan

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.  Do what it says. (NIV)
And remember, it is a message to obey, not just to listen to. So don’t fool yourselves. Do what it says. (The Message)
James 1:22

A good man produces good deeds from a good heart. And an evil man produces evil deeds from his hidden wickedness. Whatever is in the heart overflows into speech.
Luke 6:45

He answered, “’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind.’; and ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
Luke 10:27

Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.
1 John 2:6


  1. It just shows you just how important it is to act when God nudges you!

  2. This may be revisited in Sunday School next week.
