Saturday, June 9, 2018


Whether it’s in real life, books, or movies, I enjoy reunions, of people being together again.  Our son, Chad, recently returned from a mission trip to Brazil.  It had been ten days since he had seen his family.  Due to their delayed flight schedule, the five people that went on the trip did not arrive back at the church until just as Vacation Bible School was beginning that evening.  Since we weren’t there, I had Chad give me a detailed report of how the kids reacted when they saw him. 

Lori had already taken the older three to where they were meeting and was walking with their youngest when they first saw Chad.  Della kept yelling, “Daddy!  Daddy!”  Chad took her and gave her hugs and kisses and then started to give her back to Lori so he could slip in, change shirts, and brush his teeth before going into the church.  Della clung to him and did not want to let him go so he had a little helper for a while.

Three year old Sawyer was the next to spot her daddy walking down the hallway.  She ran to him for hugs and kisses and then immediately went to find Ryen to let her know that Daddy was back so she could go and see him.  David knew Chad was to be arriving about that time, so he was on the lookout to see Daddy, too, and soon received his hugs and kisses.

Chad’s four kids know they are loved and treasured by their earthly daddy.  My prayer is that they will always know and remember that they are also dearly loved by their Heavenly Father. 

May they…
… want to be so close to God that they don’t want to let Him out of their thoughts and what they choose to do
… joyously respond to His presence 
... freely express their love and gratitude
… eagerly anticipate spending time with their Heavenly Father each day
… willingly share, with their siblings and others, God’s love so others will also know how much they are loved and treasured
… continually be on the lookout to where and how God is working and moving so they can join Him in His work
… experience much joy in their journeys. 

And may these qualities be ones we desire and put into practice, as well.

Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.
Psalm 34:8

Come near to God and he will come near to you.
James 4:8a

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!  And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.
1 John 3:1

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