Saturday, April 24, 2021

No Age Limit


It was opening day for the Pony League baseball season.  Two teams, of seven year old boys, were in the dugouts getting ready to play.  Nineteen of the twenty guys were excited and thrilled about the upcoming game.  One little boy had his head down, said he wanted to go home, and burst into tears.  His teammates immediately came over, patted him on the back, and offered words of encouragement.  Still upset, his teammates walked with him out to the field.  Later in the game, the unhappy little boy hit a home run.  As he crossed home plate, the players on both teams came over and congratulated him. 


During the COVID pandemic, 11-year-old Cartier Carey of Hampton, Virginia, realized that times were especially difficult for the single moms in his city.  When interviewed, he stated, “They’re doing everything on their own so I decided to help.”  He set up a lemonade stand to raise money for diapers, baby wipes, clothes, and other necessities, with 100% of the proceeds going to purchase items.  Due to health restrictions, Cartier was asked to dismantle his stand and not sell lemonade at this time, but that didn’t stop progress.  Carey posted a video showing a large truck where people could donate items to be delivered to the single mothers.  Britany, Cartier’s mother, also helped set up an Amazon wish list and ways for people to contribute monetarily to help purchase the needed items.


John Lopez, Jr., is a 19-year-old from Princeton, Texas.  He is a cashier at the local Walmart, and saves his earnings to help pay for college.  John has a reputation for being efficient, upbeat, and courteous.  Laci Simms, a regular customer, told about a recent experience.  “I just witnessed this ‘kid’ pay for a cart of merchandise for a woman in obvious distress about her inability to pay.  When she had trouble paying her bill he stepped in and told her if she’d wait he would pay her total.  It was $110!  He just renewed my faith in humanity and the generation we are raising!”  John didn’t even realize he was being watched.  When he was interviewed by CBS DFW, he told them being recognized was not his motivation.  Usually his paycheck goes into savings, but this time he wanted to share his earnings with someone in need.  Lopez reported, “I just felt in my heart that the Lord told me I had to help her.”  He went on to say, “My parents basically taught me if someone needs help, you should be able to help them and if someone is down, bring them up.”  Simms concluded, “Seeing a stranger help another stranger is how we should act as humans…. The world would be a better place if we just helped others, just like John did.  He helped without reservation and judgement!”


Operation Christmas Child is an organization run by Samaritan’s purse.  The giver chooses an age group, boy or girl, fills the box with gifts, prays for the child who will receive the package, sends a request for a label, and then mails the box.  Missionaries give these to children and use the opportunity to tell the recipients about Jesus and invite them to learn more Bible stories.  Ira Miller is 104!  He has been packing boxes for Operation Christmas Child for years.  When Miller turned 100, he decided he wanted to pack and send 100 boxes.  Since then, Miller has packed almost one box a day, giving 333 each year.  He recently filled his 1,000th  box.  Ira Miller told CBN News, “The Lord has blessed me, and I still want to do something for the children who don’t know the Lord.  I return all my thanks to Him.”  Miller feels like packing and giving the gifts gives him a chance to be a missionary, too.  Debbie Welch, Miller’s daughter who helps with the packing, said, “These boxes are going to children around the world and they’re going to hear about Jesus.  I just focus on giving God glory for His faithfulness that Dad can still be a missionary at 100+.”


Ministry, giving, encouragement, thinking of others, and praying have no age limits.  Whether one is a child, teenager, young adult, adult, or 100+ years old, God equips and gives us each a heart to serve and minister to others.



Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

James 1:22


Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,

Philippians 2:3

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