Saturday, May 13, 2023

Kind Hearts and Deeds

Friday morning, Melanie Roberts dropped her son off at school.  As she turned right onto a main street, a teenager, driving a GMC Yukon, quickly turned off a side street and almost hit her car.  They were now both in the right lane, with the young man behind her and approaching the light where he would need to turn to enter the parking lot of his high school.  Melanie’s first thought was, “I’ll teach him and make him wait to turn to get to his school.”  On second thought, “No…show him what the right thing to do is.”  She quickly pulled into the left lane, leaving the turning lane open for the young man so he would not have to sit through the light.  Melanie said, “He got up next to me, rolled down his window, and thanked me.  It was such a great reminder for me to breathe and be patient and show grace…especially to those still developing frontal lobes.  Thank you, God, that even at this age I’m still learning!”

When Sherry Vonderhaar-Adair was growing up, her family was poor.  Her mother would send her to birthday parties, with no present, just so she could have something to eat.  As she grew older, she understood what was happening and was really embarrassed.  When Sherry was in 5th grade, her friend’s mom invited her to have a sleepover the night before the party.  When her daughter was in another room, the mom laid out the gifts she had purchased and let Sherry choose a gift to wrap and put her name on to give to her friend.  Although she is now 37, that act of kindness continues to make an impact on Sherry.  She commented, “Always be kind.  If you see someone falling behind, walk beside them.  If someone is being ignored, find a way to include them.  If someone has been knocked down, lift them up.  Always remind people of their worth.  Be who you needed when you were going through hard times.  Just one small act of kindness could mean the world to someone.”


Whether it’s spur of the moment or planned ahead of time, may we look for ways to express kindness and good deeds.



Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.

Romans 12:10


Do everything in love.

1 Corinthians 16:14


If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right.

James 2:8

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