Saturday, June 10, 2023

Doing the Extra


A Houston Police Department officer reported that his 87-year-old neighbor recently came to his house and knocked on his door.  Since his wife was in poor health, the officer was concerned that the man had come to tell him that his wife had died.  He soon found out that his elderly neighbor was concerned for his safety.  Since there had been recent reports of officers being wounded or shot, he asked if he could pray for him.  The man placed his hand on the officer’s head and asked God for peace and protection for his friend.  He also prayed for his neighbor to remain healthy and not be stressed.  After praying, the older man, who suffers from Parkinson’s, slowly walked back to his home.

Caren and Dustin were at a hospital in Colorado when the little girl they were adopting was born.  Eight days later, they somewhat nervously boarded a plane to fly home to California.  Jenny, a flight attendant, learned of their adoption story and tried to make the flight as easy as possible for the new family of three.  During the flight, another attendant, Bobby, came on the intercom and announced, “Ladies and gentlemen, there’s a very special guest on the flight today.  She’s only 8 days old and she’s traveling home with her mom and dad.” The people on the plane broke out in applause.  Then Bobby said they would be passing out napkins and pens for the passengers to write down advice and well wishes for the new parents.  The couple received 60 napkins as well as a set of pilot wings.  One note read, “I was adopted 64 years ago.  Thank you for giving this child a loving family to be part of.  Us adopted kids need a little extra love.  Congratulations.”  Dustin wrote, “What all of those perfect strangers and attendants did not know was the emotionally tender state of two brand-new parents.  Parents who after 9 years of trying had been blessed with their first child.  Parents who felt scared, but determined in their new role.”


Teresa Headley witnessed a sanitation worker return a trash can to the side of her elderly neighbor’s house.  After speaking with her friend, she told Teresa that since her mobility is limited, the employee does this for her every week.  Headley responded, “It may seem so insignificant to you or me, but to her it’s greatly appreciated!  Small acts of kindness, such as this, will not change the world, but it changes her world.  I didn’t get your name sir, but you are awesome!”  And what a blessing to know that our 12-year-old grandson does this every week for his elderly neighbor.


Our little extra can make a BIG difference for someone else.



Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:11

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