Saturday, July 8, 2023

Intentionally Serving


Ja’Torrian Taylor and Tevin Rice, 11 -year-olds from Gadsden, Alabama, have formed TJ & JT Mowing.  Bright yellow t-shirts advertise their business.  The young men recently accepted Rodney Smith Jr’s “50 Yard Challenge” where they mowed the lawns of 50 elderly, disabled, or service individuals for free.  When Rodney Smith learned of their accomplishment, while using an old lawnmower donated by a neighbor, he decided to pay the boys a visit.  To help expand their business, he brought 2 caps, 2 black t-shirts, 2 brand new mowers, 2 new trimmers, and 2 new blowers to give to the boys. 

Rodney Smith began mowing lawns for free in 2016, when an elderly neighbor could no longer keep up with lawn maintenance.  Five years ago, Smith challenged people in all 50 states to help the elderly, single moms, veterans, disabled, or others who needed help with their yards by mowing them for free.  The participants let Rodney know every 10 yards they complete.  Each 10 yards earns a t-shirt which reads: 


Raising Men


Raising Women


Giving Back To The Community


1o lawns:        orange shirt

20 lawns:       green shirt

30 lawns:       blue shirt

40 lawns:       red shirt

50 lawns:       black shirt


When all 50 lawns are completed, the girl or boy sends a picture to Rodney of them holding a sign saying she/he has completed the challenge.  As of May, 2023, 4,588 pre-teens and teenagers have accepted and accomplished the Rodney Smith Jr.’s Raising Men & Women Lawn Care Service “50 Yard Challenge,” by collectively mowing 229,400 yards for free.   After 50 yards, each participant is presented with a new mower, blower, and trimmer.  According to Upworthy, “Rodney, ‘The Lawnmower Man’ Smith Jr.’s remarkable story is an inspiring example of the transforming power of a single act of kindness, capable of triggering a widespread outpouring of generosity.”  The young people are learning the importance of giving back and making a difference in their communities.  In addition, they are learning that giving is just as rewarding as receiving.


Last week, Martha and Thomas Dufresne hosted “Cousins’ Camp 2023” for their five youngest grandchildren, ages 7 to 13.  The older three cousins had jobs for the summer.  The cousins and grandparents enjoyed fishing, swimming, and other activities during the week.  On Friday morning, the last day of camp, the grandparents, along with the mothers, took the grandchildren to serve at the Neighbors’ Cafe in San Angelo, Texas.  The children packaged cookies and snacks and put them in bags to give to those who would come to the cafe to eat.  At lunchtime, the cousins served desserts on the plates and then the adults and kids all helped in other ways to feed and take care of the hungry.  Martha posted, “It is a beautiful way to meet the practical needs of those in the community.”  How wonderful to be shown how and then given the opportunity to serve others.


May intentional acts of kindness and service also encourage and inspire us to come alongside to help make a difference in our communities and world.



“In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

Acts 20:35


  1. Thank you, Debbie.

  2. My kiddos also did the 50 yard challenge several years ago. It was a fantastic experience. We mowed lawns for free for veterans, the elderly, the disabled, and expanded it to widows and single parents!
