Saturday, November 11, 2023

A Good Day


If you can lie down at night

knowing in your heart that

you made someone’s day

just a little bit better,

you know you had a good day.

~ Unknown



As Mike Karl was walking through the park, he saw a package, wrapped in clear plastic, leaning against the back of a bench.  Upon further inspection, he noticed a note: “These blankets are lost!  If you are cold, without shelter, and looking for comfort, then they are for you!  Please take one.  Keep warm and know that you are important.”  Even though he wasn’t in need of the blankets, he was encouraged that good people were still part of his town.


A man was driving up his street when he noticed the FedEx driver, Rondy, turn around and stop at the entrance to the trailer park.  Looking in his rear-view mirror, he saw the driver get out and run to help a 75-year-old man who had fallen in the ditch.  The neighbor turned his car around and went back to help.  Due to the heat, the elderly man had lost his balance, lost control of his shopping wagon, and all had fallen in the ditch.  Another man came to help, as well.  Knowing Rondy was timed for his deliveries, the men assured him he could go back to work and they would make sure the man and his groceries from the Food Bank were safely delivered to his home.


The bus driver saw a young boy crying because the chain had fallen off of his bicycle.  Coming to a stop, the driver exited the bus, fixed the chain, and was back on the bus in a few short minutes with the boy happily on his way.


Laura Failner, a flight attendant, was on her way to Washington.  When it was time to board, a 94-year-old lady was walking down the aisle, trying to find her seat.  A young man, seated in first-class, stopped Laura and asked if he could please change seats with the woman.  Together, they walked to the back of the plane and the flight attendant explained that the man wanted to exchange seats with her.  As the gentleman walked her to first-class, the lady gave him a big hug and with tears running down her face said, “Never in my 94 years has someone done that for me.”  Laura observed, “It was amazing how his thoughtful act changed the attitude of everyone on the flight.  May we all look for the little things we can do to help others around us and show kindness.  In this crazy world, let’s all try to be the good.”


May we, too, look for and find ways to make the day better for others.


Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

Galatians 6:10

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