Saturday, May 5, 2012

Sometimes I "Get to" Help

A few weeks ago at the Prayer Seminar, I shared that one of the lessons I am learning about prayer is that when I am praying for a person or about a situation that sometimes God wants to work through me to answer the request.  It may include taking time to write a note, bake a cake, make a visit, or call someone.  Other times it may be sharing resources.  And sometimes I “get to” give of myself.

Several years ago, when Kay Dossey Fielder had been diagnosed with cancer, I prayed for her to be healed morning, noon, and night.  I was willing to do whatever I could to help in that process.  One time Kay needed blood donations for an upcoming procedure where she was to be given blood before and maybe during and after the operation.  I diligently prayed that she would find safe donors for the process.  And then I discovered that we had the same type of blood. 

Major dilemma… because I have tiny veins that float, giving blood is not an easy or pain free process for me.  Back in the days when Larry and I were married, you had to have blood work done before you could receive your marriage license.  The day we went to do that, I stuck out my finger, closed my eyes, and turned my head so that I couldn’t possibly see the nurse prick my finger and take the blood.  The nurse said, “Oh no, Honey, I need to take this out of your arm.”  I looked at Larry and told him that I might have to reconsider my answer to his proposal to which he lovingly replied, “Stick out my arm.”  Needless to say, to volunteer to give blood was definitely outside of my comfort zone. 

Anyway, with Kay I was now torn about my prayer.  I knew that I could continue to pray for someone else to volunteer to give their blood, but it was like God was saying, “You’ve prayed and I want you to be a part of my provision this time.”  I called Kay and said that I would love to give blood for her, which was true.  We set a time and Kay took me to the hospital to have the blood drawn.  She never knew that I was relying heavily on trusting God and praying to get me through the procedure.  It took a few sticks, but the nurse was able to successfully collect the blood.  Afterwards, we went to lunch.  I look back on that time as such a special gift from God.  Kay and I talked, cried, laughed, remembered camp and youth stories, and prayed together.  I would have missed out on that blessing if I had not chosen to listen and obey. 

It seems that when I pray, God allows me to see with his eyes and heart.  And sometimes, He even lets me help be part of the answer to the prayer.

Galatians 6:2
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

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