Saturday, May 29, 2021

Hospital Musings

An important lesson I learned from my dad was that you only have one chance to make a good first impression.  Whenever I helped out in his office during the summer months, he reminded me to smile before answering the phone because the first impression of his business, from a first-time caller, was how I spoke to them.  He even had me practice by looking in a mirror, smiling, and then answering the phone.  The results of that lesson were a sweet reminder when I went to the hospital on Friday.  So many of the nurses and medical personnel had helped take care of me when I had procedures and surgeries in October, November, and earlier in May.  They remembered why I had been there, which rooms I had been in, and they definitely remembered Larry.  If Larry was not in the room, they would ask about when he was coming.  Fred’s first shift was Sunday morning.  When he came in, he asked, “Was that your husband walking down the hall in a suit?”  Larry had stopped by before going to church.  I’m grateful that our first impressions caused people to be glad to see us again and help out.


Other observations:


* I’m grateful that God keeps His promise to always be with me!


* I was admitted to the hospital to begin clearing up the blood clots in my left leg.  Because of time spent sitting, waiting, and being still, I was also afforded opportunities to visit, encourage, listen, and spend time with others.


* Sometimes when others share a need, you may not be the one to provide answers and services, but you can connect them with someone who can help.


* Although my left leg is the one affected by MS, I depended on it to be the strong one when I was in need of knee replacement.  Since the blood clot occurred, it has made it a little harder to use the left leg.  I am once again relying on my right leg to be dominant which is helping in the strengthening process.


* Last week I needed to schedule a urology appointment.  I don’t think it was just a coincidence that the appointment was made for Monday.  After being discharged, we were able to go from the hospital straight to the doctor’s appointment, in the building next to the hospital.


* I need to be willing to do the hard things, if I want to improve.


* God continues to bless us through your friendships, prayers, and encouraging words.  They continue to motivate, inspire, and challenge me to work harder.



And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

Matthew 28:20b


Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

Romans 12:12


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