Saturday, April 15, 2023

Stepping up to do the Right Thing


It was a big district basketball game between Cotton Center and Amherst.  During the third quarter, one of the Amherst players fouled out.  Since they only had five girls on the team, this was a big disadvantage for the close scoring game.  That’s when Troy Moses, Cotton Center’s Head Coach, made an important decision.  The teams would actually play four on four, with a 5th Cotton Center player standing at half court not taking part in any of the plays.  The unexpected act of kindness was a big surprise to the fans and officials.  Cotton Center won the game 44-32.

The women’s softball teams from Southeastern University and Grand View University were playing a game.  The SEU Fire Athletics were ahead 4 to 1.  At the top of the 5th inning, the bases were loaded for the Grand View Vikings.  Senior Kaitlyn Moses stepped up to the plate and hit a grand slam.  As she rounded first base, Kaitlyn fell to the ground, due to an injury.  She was unable to run or walk the bases.  That’s when a few of the rival team players picked Kaitlyn up, carried her to touch each base, and helped her score for her team.


Nichole Elder drives a school bus.  A sixth-grade boy had been talking about how the elderly lady, who lived by him, hardly ever left her house to do anything.  Nichole tried to explain how hard it may be for her to do certain things.  Tuesday morning, the boy was not at the bus stop.  Elder saw that he was shoveling the snow off his neighbor’s porch.  Since she was a few minutes early, she waited for him to finish and get on the bus.  When the kids asked why she waited she replied, “Anyone helping someone deserves a few extra minutes.”  When the boy got on the bus, the other kids began to question him about his neighbor.  Wednesday morning, 7 children brought either cards, blankets, or food for the older neighbor.  Nichole delivered the gifts after work that day.  “Now every day she stands on the porch and the whole bus waves good morning.  I am so proud of him for stepping up and doing the right thing.  He taught all the children something important.”


May we, too, be willing to step up and do the right thing and encourage and build others up in the process.



Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:11

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