Saturday, February 17, 2024

From Tender Hearts

Andrew May, 7 years old, goes to Buckalew Elementary School in Conroe, Texas.  Since Andrew has Down Syndrome, he spends part of the day in specialized learning and the rest of the day with the regular student population.  For several months, Andrew has been practicing and working hard at making a basket.  One day, during recess, Margarita Steinberg, a teacher’s aide, noticed something special happening and began recording on her phone.  Six different times the other kids would dribble and pass the ball to Andrew so he could try to shoot a basket.  On the seventh attempt, Andrew made the basket!  Ms. Steinberg recounted, “When he did, nearly a dozen students erupted in cheers like they’d just won the NBA Championship.  May ran around the blacktop, cheering and pumping his hands in the air.”   When Andrew’s mother saw the video, she responded, “We all need a cheering squad like that.  That is what just touched us so much was to see those boys in action when they didn’t even know they were being filmed.”

Policeman Brian Prehoda was taking a 2:00 coffee break.  As he walked into the lobby, a little girl ran up to him to give him a high 5.  Afterwards she shouted, “Thanks for saving our lives!”  Jasmine even asked to have her picture made with Officer Prehoda.  He responded, “To say she made my year is an understatement.”


As part of a giving campaign, Olivia approached a grade school boy at a department store and told him he could choose whatever he wanted from the store in a certain amount of time.  Olivia and the boy’s mother were both surprised at his choices.  Instead of finding items for himself, the boy picked out things to give to foster children.


While shopping, a little girl came up to Josh Yurman and handed him a fuzzy ball.  He asked the girl if she had found the ball or if it was hers.  The girl responded, “I’m giving out warm fuzzys to everyone today to make their day better.” 


Children have much to teach us on how to love, honor, and serve others from tender hearts.  And kudos to parents, teachers, friends, and family who are modeling, teaching, and giving opportunities for kids to put into practice what they are learning and desiring to express.


For this is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another.

1 John 3:11


Do everything in love.

1 Corinthians 16:14