Saturday, May 18, 2024

Not Forgetting to do Good


Kimberly Yockey knew it was going to be a hard day for her husband, as he was attending the funeral of one of his best friends.  He had been quiet and tried to stay strong.  After the service, the Yockeys joined his mother at Applebee’s, in Fresno, for lunch.  On the way in, Mr. Yockey held the door open for an elderly man.  After being seated, a man came up, patted him on the back, and thanked him for holding the door open for the older gentleman.  Before leaving, the man came back, shook hands, and gave Mr. Yockey ten dollars.  He tried to refuse, but the man insisted.  As Kimberly posted the story, she stated, “To this man who I hope will find this post and read this, thank you for being such a nice guy.  You did not know the pain my husband felt today but you felt after him being polite to someone he deserved a pat on the back.  You made my husband smile and forget for a minute that his friend just passed, you helped him remember that being a nice guy is sometimes what counts.  I hope you read this and you know from the bottom of my heart I thank you.”

A mother was driving back from her son’s track meet in Minnesota when the car had a flat tire on the Iowa interstate.  She tried to get roadside assistance, but was not receiving a signal to make the call.  After waiting a while, her son spotted a young man, wearing a Hawkeye shirt, coming towards their car.  Zach Twedt, a football player for the Iowa Hawkeyes, stopped and offered to help.  “I just wanted to appreciate him for being so kind and helping a stranger out, who needed to get her kids home safely.  He could’ve kept going, but he didn’t!  What a good dude!  May God reward him for his kindness today!”


Elizabeth Gilbert parked her car and forgot to roll up the window.  When she returned, there was a covering over the window with a note attached.  “Your window was down and the rain was coming.  I did my best to help you out.   xx – the green truck next to you.”  Elizabeth responded, “I will never know who did this for me.  But I love you.  Thank you for taking the time to do this kind act for a stranger.  I’m sitting here in my parked car, unable to drive because there are tears in my eyes.  Love is everywhere, even when you can’t see it.  The tenderest care will arrive when you least expect it, and from someone whose name you may never know.  Thank you, Green Truck.  Thank you.”


May we, too, not forget to do good.


And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

Hebrews 13:16

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