Saturday, May 11, 2019

Provisions and Truths

The day I was diagnosed with cancer, the Bible Gateway verse for the day was Romans 12:12. 
“Be joyful in hope,
patient in affliction,
faithful in prayer.” 
These are three truths and challenges I want to take to heart, hold on to, and live out on this journey.

God continues to provide in amazing ways: 
* The soonest appointment for one doctor was May 28.  Thirty minutes later the receptionist called back with a May 7 date.
* Because of my main doctor’s integrity, influence, and reputation, a second doctor saw me on a day she usually treats cancer patients and does not see new patients.
* For our 7:15 appointment, the nurse had left her keys inside the office the day before and we were all locked out.  Because of that, Larry and I were able to visit and get to know a little about her before the doctor arrived with the keys.  Now she is more than just a name when we see her.
* At the conclusion of the consultation with the surgeon, she got on her knees, took Larry and me by the hand and prayed, humbling herself as God’s vessel to perform the surgery, quoting scripture promises, and asking God to heal me.  What an amazing time of worship, reassurance, and comfort for me.  There was, and still is, great peace that the right surgeon has been selected.

Things I know:
* I have stage 1A, Grade 2 invasive lobular carcinoma cancer. 
* My type of breast cancer is treatable with surgery plus radiation, with a 95% success rate, if taken care of promptly.
* Unless there are surprises in the lymph nodes, I will be spared chemotherapy.
* Surgery will be required, but I have options.
* Doctors have said this will be a difficult and challenging year; recovery is possible.
* “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Philippians 4:13
* Amazingly, within two weeks, I will be able to meet with 6 doctors, have blood drawn, an MRI, EKG, and x-rays so surgery can be scheduled.
* It’s been beneficial to think about and do things for others rather than dwell on the “what if’s” of cancer.
* My choice of question: What now?
* “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” Psalm 56:3
* God is using your prayers, words of encouragement, advice, notes and cards, and provisions for our family to lighten the load, bless, and encourage me.
* God has known me from the beginning.  None of this is taking Him by surprise. 
* “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:14
* And God has promised “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 131:5b


  1. My prayers joined with the other tributaries flowing to the throne of God. Blessings!

  2. Praying for you as you both endure affliction and are shining examples of "to live is Christ."

  3. Debbie I am praying for you and that your medical experiences continue to be inspired by God.

  4. You are in good hands - a godly, praying doctor and the Creator of the Universe! ❤️

  5. God has blessed you with courage, faith and mercy as you go forward to receive the healing God will provide through His servants and your devotion. This is our prayer for you.
