Saturday, August 1, 2020

Seeing and Seizing the Mission

During these days of chaos, rioting, uncertainty, and pandemic, it is refreshing to see people who choose to do the right thing, without fanfare or expecting anything in return.

Antonio Gwynn Jr. is a recent high school graduate from Buffalo, New York.  He has grown up participating in community services and mission opportunities with his church.  While watching the nightly news, he was distraught to see the damage that looters and protestors had made of a major intersection in his hometown.  He knew this section of road, at Bailey Avenue, would be a heavily traveled area the next morning.  Without calling friends, forming a committee, or broadcasting his intents, Gwynn gathered up tools, a broom, and bags and headed to the trashed area.  By streetlight, he started cleaning up the debris at 2:00 a.m. and worked for 10 straight hours. 

When the cleaning crew arrived early the next morning, they discovered that Antonio Gwynn Jr. had already cleared away and picked up most of the trash.  Word soon spread about what Antonio had done.  WKBW-TV interviewed him and aired the human-interest story.  Matt Block just happened to see the report.  He had a red 2004 Mustang that he decided to give to Gwynn.  Matt explained, “I couldn’t come to grips with selling it and this was a good way for me to get rid of it and know someone that gets it is going to appreciate it.”

Receiving the car had an extra measure of meaning to Antonio.  Gwynn’s mother, who died in 2018, had also driven a red Mustang.  A local insurance agent called to say he would like to cover the car insurance for a year.

Antonio had planned to attend a trade school in the fall, in hopes of saving up money to attend college.  Because of his good deed, he has now been offered a full scholarship to Madaille College.  When he found out the news, “I literally stopped, pulled over, and started crying.”  Even though he expected nothing in return for his efforts, people have appreciated and rewarded Antonio for his efforts.

May we, too, be willing to see and seize opportunities of service when they arise, as we put our faith in action.

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.  Do what it says.
James 1:22

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful story of how one person can change the world. No one saw this gentleman cleaning at 2:00am but God and look how how the Lord blessed him.
