Saturday, August 15, 2020

Unexpected Provisions

This week, I have been reminded of an unexpected provision 39 years ago, as well as been given the opportunity to experience one.  Within 5 calendar days, during August, we celebrate 4 family birthdays.  On Monday, Brad and Chad’s birthday brought back treasured memories of their birth. During the summer of 1981, Larry was the Minister to Students at Tallowood.  He had directed Camp Tallowood, other Bible studies and events, and the mission trip to Louisiana was to be during the second week of August.  Our second baby was expected in October, and my doctor had given permission for me to fly one last time before the baby was born.  Scott and I were planning to go to Albuquerque, New Mexico, to visit my sister and brother-in-law, while Larry and the high school students were on the mission trip in Louisiana.  A few weeks before we were to leave, the compressor on the air conditioner went out.  Fortunately, two of our neighbors knew how to help Larry replace the damaged part and they had the AC working again in just a day or two.  With the expense of purchasing the compressor, we decided it best for Scott and me to stay in town and go and visit my parents and family in Pasadena rather than spend additional money on airplane tickets.  Larry and the students left during that first week in August.  Scott and I stayed at home a few days, went to church and Sunday School on Sunday morning, and then went to Pasadena for the week.

When I woke up Monday morning, I showed signs of being in labor.  After calling Larry, in Louisiana, I told Mom that I needed to go see my doctor.  We took Scott to stay with the baby sitter where my nephew was and my sister went with Mom and me to Memorial City Hospital.  Miraculously, there was no traffic on that Monday morning and we were able to make the drive to the doctor’s office in record time.  At one point, I did think that we might have a Bingle Voss Bertrand, if we didn’t hurry.  On the way, I gave Mom information she might need, if I was admitted.  After going to the doctor’s office, and finding out I truly was in labor, I was told to go to Admitting.  I had enough sense to realize I would need to fill in forms if I did that, and I didn’t think I had time, so I asked the nurse to please just use a wheelchair that they had in the hall to take me over to Labor and Delivery.  Mom and Robin went to Admitting and Mom began filling out paperwork while Robin went to the Waiting Room.  Robin had asked a nurse if she could go and be with me since Larry was out of town.  After checking, she came back and reported that the doctor said she wouldn’t have time before the baby came. A little after 11:00 a.m., the nurse came back to the Waiting Room screaming, “It’s twin boys!”  When Robin went to tell Mom, without missing a beat, the Admissions lady congratulated Mom and handed her another set of forms to complete.  Larry was called.  After telling him we had twin sons, and convincing him that it was not a joke, he made arrangements to fly home that night.  It was during an airline strike, so he had to make several attempts and ride to another city to catch the flight to Houston.

Brad and Chad arrived two months early weighing 3 lbs. 12 oz. and 3 lbs. 13 oz.  Within minutes of their birth, I remembered and was amazed at God’s provision of a broken air-conditioner that caused me to stay in town so I would be with my doctor and in a hospital that was well equipped and staffed to take care of preemies.  Since the boys stayed in the hospital four and five weeks, I was able to be in my own home instead of in Albuquerque.

And this week I experienced another unexpected provision.  Larry and I had planned to go back to Cancun, in March or April, for me to have additional stem cell treatments, some types that would be new ones for me.  Due to the global pandemic, that did not happen.  A few weeks ago, I found out that the FDA had approved Celltex Therapeutics to allow some of the specific treatments I needed to be performed with my doctor here in Houston.  Since I am considered at risk, because of MS, I qualified to have the infusion and some additional injections.  Stem cells help build the immune system, and strengthen the lungs, and are considered to be preventative treatment for COVID-19.  Although not all of the procedures I need to have are available in Houston at this time, I was blessed to have treatments on Tuesday afternoon that will be of great benefit.  I still plan to be wise about where and when I go places and take the precautions I need.  Today I am so thankful for the unexpected provision of having the treatments I needed, in my home city, due to a virus.

It continues to amaze me at the ways God uses things like a broken compressor and an international pandemic to bring about unexpected provisions and blessings.   Looking forward to seeing, discovering, and celebrating what else God has in store for us during these unusual days.

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.
Proverbs 19:21

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