Saturday, June 22, 2024

Serving Others


Adam Nixon is 14 years of age.  His neighbor, Pamela LaFontaine, is an RN.  Since she has had a busier than normal schedule the past six months, Adam has been mowing her lawn every two weeks for free.  Recently, a neighbor was able to take a picture to let Pamela know who was responsible for the good deed.

Ali and Chris Sitting, and their 8-year-old granddaughter, went to eat at a restaurant in Yarrawonga, Victoria, Australia.   After they were seated, they noticed an elderly man sitting by himself.  They sent their granddaughter to his table to ask if he would like to join them.  He readily accepted the offer and spent time telling stories about serving in the war and about his wife, who lives in a nursing home nearby.  After they finished eating, Ali went to pay for their meal as well as for their new friend’s dinner.  The waitress told her that people at another table had noticed their kind gesture and had paid for all four of their meals.


As a man was leaving his shop for the day, there was a knock on his car window.  One of his regular customers was standing there holding a bag of coins.  When the man was buying his coffee earlier that afternoon, he noticed the place was short on coins so people were given extra money back in change.  Realizing those pennies add up, the customer drove 40 minutes home and then 40 minutes back to bring a baggie full of coins to the employees at The Boundless Bean.  The owner responded, “There were enough coins in this bag to exchange for a latte and a couple of treats, but he wouldn’t have it.  He dropped the coins with a smile and wished me a great day.  So now I’m left wondering…what would happen to our community if we all started watching out for each other like this?  Or even just some of us?  What a beautiful thing that would be.”


May we, too, look for opportunities to watch out for and serve others.


Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

1 Peter 4:10


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