Saturday, June 15, 2024

Spreading Love and Support


On her way home from the last graduation/awards assembly for her three children, the inevitable happened.  Lindsay Moore lost her first clump of hair, due to chemotherapy.  She sent an SOS text to her hair stylist telling her, “Hair is everywhere.”  Within 15 minutes, Jenn had opened her shop.  When Lindsay and her mother, Robin, arrived, she was greeted with flowers, cupcakes for her kids, and a stuffed Chihuahua.  Lindsay expressed, “It’s amazing what a stuffed animal can do for a 45-year-old who is losing yet another part of who she once was.”  Jenn gently cut and shaved Lindsay’s hair and then shampooed her scalp.  During the session, time was allotted for pauses, hugs, tears, laughter, and kind words of encouragement.  Her wig was then trimmed and styled.  After finishing, Jenn told Lindsay there was, “No charge” for her services.  And Jenn had even come in on her day off.  Linsday commented, “What a blessing to have someone who knows what they’re doing fix up your wig so you feel somewhat normal.  The fact that I could walk out with a smile is a true testament to who she is.”    Robin noted that she was reminded of, “Invaluable lessons on how to use one’s gifts and talents to spread love and support.”  Lindsay beautifully summed up her experience stating, “This road is not fun but it does have beautiful stops along the way.”


Liang Yaoyi, an 11-year-old gifted student from Shenzhen, China, died from a brain tumor.  Before his passing, Liang told his mother, Li Qun, that he wanted her to have his organs donated so he could save as many lives as he could.


Paul Marlow noticed that his Principal, Matt Smith, was wearing tennis shoes at the graduation ceremony.  That was definitely odd and out of character from his usual style.  Bill Thomas, a fellow teacher who ran the sound for graduation, was also wearing tennis shoes.  Marlow commented, “After the ceremony I found out that both had surrendered their dress shoes to two young men that did not have proper shoes for graduation.  What an amazing example of the kind and caring people that I get to work with every day!  Thanks for being a great example to our young people.”


May we also look for opportunities to spread love and support.


Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

Colossians 3:12


Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:11

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