Saturday, June 29, 2024

Loving With Actions


The best feeling of

happiness is when you’re

happy because you’ve made

someone else happy.

~ Sara Lyn Matias


Ken and Barbara Young have had an extra busy month.  They scheduled Ken’s cancer tests, treatments, procedures and consultations at MD Anderson around several special occasions with family.  Leaving their home in Oxford, Mississippi, they drove to Houston for Ken’s SBRT radiation treatment.  The following day, they drove to Waco, Texas to celebrate grandson Ethan’s high school graduation.  Soon it was back to Houston for Ken’s radiation.  After this round, he rang the bell to celebrate the completion of that treatment.  New Orleans was the next stop, to celebrate grandson Nathan’s high school graduation.  Then it was back to MD Anderson for more tests.  Next on the agenda was granddaughter Blythe’s dance recital in Waco.  There was one more day of scans in Houston before the Youngs headed home to Oxford.  When they arrived home on June 12, they were greeted by friends.  Knowing Barbara and Ken would be tired from their trip and their son, his wife, and 5 children were coming that same day to spend a week, people in their Sunday School class brought dinner for that night and enough breakfast food and casseroles to last the entire week!  What wonderful, thoughtful, and greatly appreciated acts of love.


An elderly man asked Serena Mansey if she knew anything about phones.  He was trying to open a picture his granddaughter had sent of her new baby.  Since the man didn’t have a smart phone, there was not a way to open up the picture on his Nokia.  He hadn’t seen his great-grandchild because they lived in Buxton.  Serena figured out a way to send the picture and open it up on her phone.  The man teared up when he saw the picture.  As a gift of thanks, money was offered to Serena to buy a toy for her young daughter who was with her.  She refused, but the man insisted.  She asked that he stay there for a few minutes.  Serena went to a store and had the picture printed.  A frame was bought and the picture placed inside.  When given the gift, the man shed tears of joy.  Serena reflected, “This just made my day to make someone so happy.”


May our thoughtfulness, actions, and gift of time express love and kindness to those around us.


You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did.

James 2:22

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