Saturday, July 20, 2024

Beach Week 2024, Minus the Beach


Due to Hurricane Beryl, Bolivar Peninsula lost power, as did large sections of Houston and surrounding areas.  It was a given that there would be a delay in going to the beach this past week.  Upon daily checking, it was evident that it would not be a day or two fix for power to be restored on Bolivar or for the beach house to be cleaned and ready for our arrival. 

After losing electricity from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm on Monday, Kevin and Amy, our nephew and his wife, were the first in our family to have power restored.  Tuesday morning texts were sent to invite family to come to their home, in Deer Park, to spend the day together.  Twenty-nine of us arrived with beach food, snacks, and games.  Even without being at the beach, we enjoyed beach week traditions and being together.  Plans were made to gather again on Thursday and Friday.  We were reminded, once again, that it’s not the place but the people who make you enjoy being family.




Lots of snow cones were consumed


 Tie dyed hands

         James' actual birthday    


And reservations have been made, in anticipation of Beach Week, 2025.


How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!  Psalm 133:1

The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.  Psalm 126:3


  1. Family being together and sharing memories is always refreshing! Looks like everyone was having a great time!

  2. These pictures are magnificent
