Saturday, July 13, 2024

Think About Such Things



Grateful for the past.

Hopeful for the future.

Mindful of the moment.

~ Todd Still



 Praying is when you leave

a world of not being

able to do something

and enter God’s realm

where everything is possible.

~ Corrie ten Boom




you have to choose

what is right,

not what is easy.

~ Unknown



There is

always, always

something to be

grateful for.

~ Rhonda Byrne



Too many people think the

grass is greener somewhere

else, but grass is green

where you water it.

~ JuNaid Sarwar



Even the smallest amount of

light can make a difference

in the darkest room.

Never lose hope.

~ Roger Lee



A mistake repeated more

than once is a choice.

~ Paulo Coelho



Never stop doing little

things for others.

Sometimes those little

things occupy the

biggest part of their


~ Collen Mashawana



Worrying is carrying

tomorrow's load with

today’s strength –

carrying two days at once.

It is moving into tomorrow

 ahead of time.

Worrying does not empty

tomorrow of its sorrow;

it empties today

of its strength.

~ Corrie ten Boom



You worry too

much about the

past, you’ll get

caught up in that.

It’s about being

present where your

feet are.

~ Caitlin Clark



And may our thinking lead us to make wise choices and decisions.


Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.

Philippians 4:8

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