Saturday, July 6, 2024

Kindness is Worth It

While waiting in line at the Chick-fil-A drive thru, Lisa received an upsetting phone call.  She was teary eyed and a little choked up when it came time to place her order.  As she picked up her food, the friendly employee told Lisa she hoped her day would get better.  Arriving at work, Lisa unloaded her bag and noticed a cookie she had not ordered.  That’s when she found a note which read, “Lisa, sorry about your phone call.  I hope your day gets better. – Kayla.”  Lisa commented, “For her to take time to write the note to me and give me a little extra special something, means to me that she is a true example of light in this world.  I thanked God for Kayla.  Her kindness is so appreciated.  Imagine if we all did an act of kindness each day like this.  The world would be a better place.”

Bob Williams, 93-years-old, is from Long Grove, Iowa.  Every weekend he goes to the dollar store and buys a box of the big Hershey candy bars.  Before he leaves the store, he gives a candy bar to the cashier and every person behind him in line.  Bob then walks downtown and hands out bars to the young, old, happy, sad.  This has been his routine for the past eleven years.  “The Candy Bar Guy” has given away approximately 6,000 chocolate bars over the years.  Bob says he does it “Because it puts a smile on everyone’s face.  And THAT’S always worth it.”


A woman noticed a lady and her three young children stopping at the parking meters along the street.  She was somewhat puzzled at their actions.  The next day, while getting her two-year-old daughter out of her car seat and digging in the bottom of her purse for change, she noticed a dime taped to the meter.  It seems that the lady and her children had taped a dime, worth thirty minutes of parking, to every meter on Seneca Street.  The woman noted, “I wanted to take a moment to notice this woman’s act of kindness and to show my appreciation and respect for her as she is raising her children in an exceptional manner.”


May we, too, realize that kindness is worth it, and help make our world a better place.


Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

Colossians 3:12

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