Saturday, August 10, 2024

Olympic Observations


* For these few weeks we have the opportunity to concentrate on the good, positive, athletic, and talented people in our world.

* Knowing the hours of training, dedication, commitment, discipline, and hard work to train for a sport, athletes are quick to congratulate, encourage, and console each other before, during, and after competitions.


* It doesn’t matter which state an athlete comes from, or which university they attend, we are Team USA!


* The youngest Paris Olympian is 11-year-old Zheng Haohao, from China, who competed for women’s skateboarding.


* Mary Hanna, a 69-year-old Australian equestrian traveling reserve, is the oldest athlete in the 2024 Olympics.  Juan Antonio Jimenez Cabo, an equestrian from Spain, is 65 years old.  There are 15 Olympic athletes between ages 41 to 69.


* Approaching a finish line, it’s best to not slow down.


* Athletes who come in second in the heats or semi-finals can win in the finals, sometimes breaking Olympic and world records along the way.


* When an athlete tripped or fell, they got up and finished the race.


* Many athletes have had hardships to overcome in life.  Training and participating in their sport gave them an incentive to work for and hope.


* Countries still send athletes to compete, even when they have never won a medal.  In the Paris Olympics, two athletes won the first medal ever for their countries.  Julien Alfred, of Saint Lucia, ran in the women’s 100-m final, and earned a gold medal.  Thea LaFond, of Dominica, made history by winning a gold medal with a 15.02-meter jump in the triple jump. 


* Athletes are quick to acknowledge and thank parents, family, coaches, teammates, and some even God, for helping them reach their potential.  They know they didn’t succeed on their own.


* Win or lose, the cameras can be on you!


Whether it’s the Olympics or everyday life, may we, too, be quick to encourage those around us as we offer our hope, congratulations, appreciation, and/or consolation.


Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:11

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