Saturday, August 24, 2024

Thoughtful Gestures


Ashley Jost bought a book at Target in Columbia, Missouri.  After finishing a chapter, she tossed the book onto the ottoman and $5 fell out.  That’s when Ashley also noticed a note that had been left in the book.  “To the person who buys this book: I am having a tough day.  I thought maybe I could brighten someone else’s with this little surprise.  Go buy a coffee, donut, or a face mask.  Practice some self-care today.  Remember that you are loved.  You are amazing.  You are strong.  Love, Lisa.”

Approaching the checkout line at Aldi’s, with her full cart, Jaimee Elwell motioned for a lady to go in front of her who only had a case of water and two other things.  The lady quickly grabbed flowers and then paid for her items.  As she was leaving, the lady turned and handed the flowers to Jaimee and wished her a happy day.  Elwell responded, “You have no idea how my life is right now and I truly needed this sweet gesture!  One kind act leads to another.  Just be kind.  Thank you so much for the smile today.”


Last week Gem Salter took River, her 6-year-old son, to Clarks to be fitted for shoes for school.  Since he is autistic, it is difficult for River to be in crowds, noisy places, or long lines.  The store was very busy that day.  Gem explained the situation to Aaran Daniel, the assistant store manager.   Immediately he took them to a staff room at the back of the store and placed a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door.  Aaran found several styles of shoes for River to try on.  The quiet and peaceful environment helped River decide on the best shoes for school.  As they were leaving, Aaran gave Gem the store phone number and told her the next time River needed shoes to call and make an appointment.  That way they could come before the store opened when it was still quiet.


Mike Cordry’s wife works for Door Dash.  Recently, she delivered beautiful flowers to an elderly lady.  The woman handed them back and said, “These are for you, my dear.”  A $20 tip was also included.  Seeing the difference it made for his wife, Mike commented, “People can be awesome!” 


Even small gestures can make a big impact.  May our thoughtful deeds also make a difference this week.


Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

Colossians 3:12

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