Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Unexpected


James Dunn is a driver for East of Chicago Pizza in Barberton, Ohio.  He recently delivered a pizza to an elderly customer and noticed that the grass was overgrown and the yard was not in the best of shape.  After work, Dunn went home and loaded up his lawn mower and other tools.  He cut the grass and trimmed the hedges.  Then Morning Glory Landscaping & Cleanouts came by and picked up the clippings, trash, and bags of grass.

Kaleb Klakulak’s was upset when his best friend, K.J. Gross, died.  Kaleb, 12 years old, found out that K.J.’s mother couldn’t afford a headstone for his grave.  He found jobs that he could do to earn money to help.  His parents helped set up a PayPal account so others could donate as well.  Kaleb went to see K.J.’s mother, LaSondra Singleton, and gave her a check for $900 to help with the cost of the headstone.  LaSondra responded, “I cried because it was unexpected and I’m trying to figure out things from day to day.”


Winston is a high school U.S. History teacher in Kentucky.  He recently had a “first” happen in his class.  One of his A+ students wrote a note on his test to “extend his 5 bonus points to anyone in need.”  Winston reported, “He selflessly offered what rightfully belonged to him, his earned bonus to any peer who might have been facing particularly tough challenges on the day of the test.  He didn’t care if he considered them a friend or if they were cool.  It didn’t matter the situation that caused them to score lower.  He just wanted to help, be kind, and commit a loving act.  This note gave me so much hope.  Let us all be a little more like this young man.”  Winston decided to honor the student’s request.  The 5 points actually allowed the recipient to move from a failing grade to passing.    


Keri and her husband, Alan Miller, had completed their shopping at Walmart and were in the checkout line.  They overheard the young man in front of them tell the cashier, “I worked all summer long.  So, I told my mom she didn’t have to spend a dime on school supplies this year.”  Alan immediately shook the young man’s hand and encouraged him to continue what he was doing and that his future could take him anywhere he wanted to take it.  Valuing hard work, Mr. Miller then paid for the teenager’s school supplies.


This week, may we know the joy and blessing of doing the unexpected.


And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

2 Corinthians 9:8

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