This week we've noticed...
* I am able to use my left hand better...typing on the
computer, when cutting meat, picking up things
* The only swooning I do now when I hug Larry is for
him...and not because I am off balance
* Before I would have to stop and balance between each I can walk without the long pauses in between
* The bruises are beginning to fade some, as well as the
swelling...any pressure under my knee still reminds me to
think twice though
* I'm stepping up the exercise program little by little
* God is continuing to provide and bless
"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." I Thessalonians 5:16-18
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Let the Marathon Begin!
The exercising has begun. I’m going for the marathon…26.2 miles…just not all at once.
We walked again, Thursday, two more sidewalk sections than before. It took 35 minutes because I was a little tired. Kind of felt like I should have packed a picnic dinner to have at the half way point.
Friday night I was able to get up from one of the big, soft chairs in the family room by myself. It wasn’t graceful, but I wasn’t necessarily graceful before having MS either. I called Larry into the kitchen Friday night to watch me walk. I was walking with a somewhat even gait and a faster pace than normal. I am still being cautious and not too daring at this time, especially when I am by myself, but the improvements have been exciting.
Saturday morning we went to the gym to work out in the pool for an hour. You would have thought I was in freezing water the way my legs reacted to going in at first. The doctor said walking in the pool would be one of the best ways to retrain my brain for how to walk correctly. I did a few other exercises as well.
This next week I will swim again as well as work out with a trainer who works with MS clients.
Please pray for the swelling in my right leg and foot to continue to go down, along with the bruising.
I’ll try to update the blog at least every Saturday. Hope you have a blessed week.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Provisions, Progress, and Pictures
God provided everything we needed last week, and even more…
God provided everything we needed last week, and even more…
· We were to have had a handicap room with a walk-in shower, but the people who had the room extended their stay. We were in the room next door so it wouldn’t be hard to move when the room was available. When we came in Wednesday, after the bone marrow transplant, they told Larry it was ready. The man came and helped Larry move everything. Perfect timing…we didn’t actually need the room until Thursday morning.
· Wednesday night I had a bleed where the spinal tap had been inserted. Since I sat in a chair, instead of lying on the bed, the opening had not formed a clot to seal it. Larry called the doctor and he told him to put pressure on the spot and said he was on his way. The doctor then applied pressure for 45 minutes to give Larry a break. Then the doctor went to read in the lobby and came back to check after midnight to make sure everything was OK. He said he would not go home until it was sealed.
· Thursday morning I was somewhat dizzy and white lipped. Remember the fruit we were able to pick up on Sunday at the organic store? I ate a banana and felt great.
· The other couple left for San Diego on Friday afternoon. Even with a rapid transit pass it took them 2.5 hours to go through the border. We left Saturday morning and it took less than 15 minutes to go through customs, with the fast pass.
· At the airport, they took us to the front of the line for luggage check-in and airport security. There were over 300 in line inside and about 200 in line outside. The lady that helped me, with security, had grown up in San Diego, moved to Ft. Worth, TX, and moved back to San Diego. While in Ft. Worth, she rode in the MS 150. I was able to thank her for doing that and making a difference for people with MS.
· Hands and feet are a normal temperature instead of freezing cold
· Left foot is no longer purplish color
· Right leg has not had an involuntary spasm since Wednesday
· Left fingers can remain straight instead of curved and better use of my left hand
· Balance returning
· Able to stand without holding on to anything
· Back straighter
· Walked to end of street and back tonight, with Larry’s help and the cane
Chip took additional pictures of the week.
Chip took additional pictures of the week.
Lucerna Hotel
Sports World next to hotel
Larry dressed for procedure
Sweet nurse Angelina. Her smile and caring spirit made the shots and IVs a little less painful.
Debbie, Angelina, Marilee
Chip, Dr. Andrade, and Marilee
Dr. Andrade, Debbie, and Larry
Larry and Debbie
Everything Comes from God!
Larry here:
Yesterday was an incredible day of worship and fellowship with the Community of Joy, called Tallowood!
This is the passage God gave me this morning in my time with Him!
"Praise be to you, O LORD,
God of our father Israel,
from everlasting to everlasting. 11 Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power
and the glory and the majesty and the splendor,
for everything in heaven and earth is yours.
Yours, O LORD, is the kingdom;
you are exalted as head over all.
12 Wealth and honor come from you;
you are the ruler of all things.
In your hands are strength and power
to exalt and give strength to all.
13 Now, our God, we give you thanks,
and praise your glorious name.
14 "But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.
Yesterday was an incredible day of worship and fellowship with the Community of Joy, called Tallowood!
This is the passage God gave me this morning in my time with Him!
1 Chronicles 29:10-14 (New International Version)
David's Prayer
10 David praised the LORD in the presence of the whole assembly, saying,"Praise be to you, O LORD,
God of our father Israel,
from everlasting to everlasting. 11 Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power
and the glory and the majesty and the splendor,
for everything in heaven and earth is yours.
Yours, O LORD, is the kingdom;
you are exalted as head over all.
12 Wealth and honor come from you;
you are the ruler of all things.
In your hands are strength and power
to exalt and give strength to all.
13 Now, our God, we give you thanks,
and praise your glorious name.
14 "But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Philippians 1:2-6 (New International Version)
2Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thanksgiving and Prayer
3I thank my God every time I remember you. 4In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy 5because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, 6being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
We’re Headed Home!
We’ve completed one chapter in our pilgrimage and are looking forward to the next. In the coming weeks, I pray that I can process, in words, what I have experienced both spiritually and physically.
We have felt God’s continual presence and care this week. It is with an overflowing and grateful heart that we thank you for being part of this journey with us. Your prayers and notes of encouragement are continuing to bless us. There has been a God given peace because of your constant prayers on our behalf.
We are continuing to see improvements and are anticipating more in the days ahead. The left arm and hand are straightening some. My right leg, where they removed the stem cells, is still very bruised, swollen, and stiff because of having to be held down so my leg would not jump during the procedure. When that heals, it will be amazing to see what happens.
God was glorified in the clinic on Friday. We had a sweet time of prayer with Marilee and Chip before they left to go to San Diego for a few days of vacation. After a final meeting with Dr. Andrade, we prayed with him and his nurse Angelina to thank God for using them to bless us this week. There were tears and heartfelt thanks from all of us.
Wish I could find the right words to express how special it has been to share this week with Larry and just be with him all week. He is definitely one of my greatest blessings from God.
We’ll continue to update the blog from time to time. Please know that God used you in a mighty way to bless us more than we could have ever asked or imagined. We love and appreciate you.
“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.”- Psalm 19:14
Friday, October 15, 2010
Photo of Dr. Andrade!
So, here it is - a photo of Deb and Dr. Andrade. I attempted to load a video of Deb standing without holding on to anything. Guess you will have to see it in person!
We had a great dinner at the hotel restuarant - we shared grilled sea bass and steamed vegatables! Yum! (only $15)
We had a great dinner at the hotel restuarant - we shared grilled sea bass and steamed vegatables! Yum! (only $15)
Last Day at the Clinic
This is an exciting new day! What a difference two days make since the transplant on Wednesday! Debbie walked into the clinic pushing the wheelchair instead of riding in it. She was able to let go of the cane and stand with good balance. When her Dr. saw what she able to do today, he had tears in his eyes and "goose bumps" on his arms. I shared with him some of the scriptures we have claimed for this week. He immediately wanted me to email those to him. I told him about this blog and sent him the address.
I am attaching photos of Debbie and the staff here:
Nurse Angelina!
Cristina, our driver!
Antonio, the physical therapist!
I am attaching photos of Debbie and the staff here:
Nurse Angelina!
Cristina, our driver!
Antonio, the physical therapist!
Deb is off to more therapy!
This Is HUGE
Larry here:
This is HUGE! Debbie's balance seems to be returning!
Keep praying for greater progress!
This is HUGE! Debbie's balance seems to be returning!
Keep praying for greater progress!
Friday, October 15, 2010
“How great you are, O Sovereign LORD! There is no one like you, and there is no God but you, as we have heard with our own ears.”- 2 Samuel 7:22
Nathan and Jenna have made me special notes and projects to open each day of my trip. Today they made leaf impressions and they each had a scripture on the page.
"Enter his gates with thanksgiving; and his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name." Psalm 100:4
"I will praise God's name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving." Psalm 69:30
It's Friday! I slept 9 hours last night and feel great this morning! My knee is still swollen and bruised, but seems to be getting better.
I am continuing to notice some differences. Although Dr. Vargas said it will take 4 to 6 weeks for the cells he injected yesterday to complete their cycle, most people begin to notice more improvement on Monday and Tuesday from last Wednesday's procedure. My legs are seeming stronger and I haven't noticed as much spasticity in my leg, except when they pour cold things on it. Larry says he is enjoying the warm hands and feet. We pray that improved circulation will help other things as well. My left hand is straightening out and seeming more normal, especially when typing.
My nurse, Angelina, has been wonderful. I have had an IV every day, but I do not have one bruise. That is a big deal for me. She has a beautiful servants heart and spirit. She calls me "My Bebe".
Today I will have another IV of vitamins and lots of therapy. My work is cut out for me as I exercise and retrain nerves and rebuild muscles, but I know it will be worth it.
Please pray that I can adequately express my gratitude to the doctors, Angelina (nurse), Antonio (physical therapist), and Cristina (driver and errand person). I want them to know how much God has blessed me through them this week.
It will be a bittersweet time to tell Marilee and Chip goodbye today. It has been a wonderful time of fellowship with them. Our friendship will not end here. They have been so appreciative of Larry's prayers and ministry, as have I.
May you have a wonderfully blessed day.
Nathan and Jenna have made me special notes and projects to open each day of my trip. Today they made leaf impressions and they each had a scripture on the page.
"Enter his gates with thanksgiving; and his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name." Psalm 100:4
"I will praise God's name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving." Psalm 69:30
It's Friday! I slept 9 hours last night and feel great this morning! My knee is still swollen and bruised, but seems to be getting better.
I am continuing to notice some differences. Although Dr. Vargas said it will take 4 to 6 weeks for the cells he injected yesterday to complete their cycle, most people begin to notice more improvement on Monday and Tuesday from last Wednesday's procedure. My legs are seeming stronger and I haven't noticed as much spasticity in my leg, except when they pour cold things on it. Larry says he is enjoying the warm hands and feet. We pray that improved circulation will help other things as well. My left hand is straightening out and seeming more normal, especially when typing.
My nurse, Angelina, has been wonderful. I have had an IV every day, but I do not have one bruise. That is a big deal for me. She has a beautiful servants heart and spirit. She calls me "My Bebe".
Today I will have another IV of vitamins and lots of therapy. My work is cut out for me as I exercise and retrain nerves and rebuild muscles, but I know it will be worth it.
Please pray that I can adequately express my gratitude to the doctors, Angelina (nurse), Antonio (physical therapist), and Cristina (driver and errand person). I want them to know how much God has blessed me through them this week.
It will be a bittersweet time to tell Marilee and Chip goodbye today. It has been a wonderful time of fellowship with them. Our friendship will not end here. They have been so appreciative of Larry's prayers and ministry, as have I.
May you have a wonderfully blessed day.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Late Thursday afternoon - back at the Lucerna Hotel
The day got better as it went along. Deb is still sore but therapy helped that some. They instructed me on how to do some things in the days ahead that will help "retrain the leg movements" and remove the stiffness. I will do some of that this evening after dinner.
Deb received the final portion of her stem cells. These were processed for 24 hours and and then injected into her hips. (Add a new location of her anatomy that will be feeling sore!) Dr. Vargas said it will take 4-6 weeks for this set of sells to begin to do a restoring work in her body. Meeting with him was most informative.
We are about to join the other couple receiving treatment, for dinner. We have enjoyed spending time with them. We have spent many hours of conversation with them.
Deb received the final portion of her stem cells. These were processed for 24 hours and and then injected into her hips. (Add a new location of her anatomy that will be feeling sore!) Dr. Vargas said it will take 4-6 weeks for this set of sells to begin to do a restoring work in her body. Meeting with him was most informative.
We are about to join the other couple receiving treatment, for dinner. We have enjoyed spending time with them. We have spent many hours of conversation with them.
Thursday - October 14, 2010 - Back in the Clinic
Another IV drip started and now Deb is getting a lot of physical therapy from Antonio on retraining the legs so they are able to move better. Deb's right leg and knee are sore and bruised from the Dr. holding it very firm and steady when they removed the stem cells. However, she is still tolerating all he is doing.
I got Antonio to pose for a photo:
We are scheduled to remain at the clinic past 3:00 pm. That is when she is scheduled to receive the final bit of her stem cells from a fourth doctor.
On the interesting side, we saw something unusual as we were transported to the Clinic from the hotel. A pickup truck came racing past us with sirens screaming. When asked what that was, our driver Cristina informed us that it was "undercover" police. She told us the four men in the back were actually the bad guys. Not to worry though, they had their hands and feet handcuffed and shackled to the bed of the truck.
The restaurant had not one but two samples of melon art today. Enjoy!
I got Antonio to pose for a photo:
We are scheduled to remain at the clinic past 3:00 pm. That is when she is scheduled to receive the final bit of her stem cells from a fourth doctor.
On the interesting side, we saw something unusual as we were transported to the Clinic from the hotel. A pickup truck came racing past us with sirens screaming. When asked what that was, our driver Cristina informed us that it was "undercover" police. She told us the four men in the back were actually the bad guys. Not to worry though, they had their hands and feet handcuffed and shackled to the bed of the truck.
The restaurant had not one but two samples of melon art today. Enjoy!
Thursday - October 14, 2010
I am struggling to find words to describe yesterday. From the scripture of the day, to every single detail, God has provided. Because of all the IVs and injections, I have not had much of an appetite. I’ve tried eating what I could to keep up my strength, but it’s been limited.
I went for my procedure at 3:30. It was absolutely amazing to watch the doctors work together. Yes, I have a sore back and leg, but that is a small price to pay for healing. When we were called to go back, I had such an amazing peace. I knew without a doubt that it was because of God’s faithfulness and your prayers. Please never take that lightly. Larry has already told you about the procedure. By the way, Larry was able to be in the room with me. He had on scrubs, mask and hairnet (my personal favorite).
When all of the other doctors had gone to another room, Dr. Andrade was still in the room. He asked how I was doing. I told him that during the spinal I felt like God was holding me in his arms. To me that could have been the most dangerous part of this procedure.
After Marilee finished her procedure, we went into the room they used for the procedure, joined hands, and thanked God for his provision and continued healing. We all ate dinner together and had a sweet time of fellowship.
My leg is swollen and bruised because of the pressure of holding my leg down because of the involuntary jumping.
I have already noticed that my hands and feet were not ice cold this morning. I also seem to have more energy.
Today will be a big physical therapy day plus 3 injections to complete the stem cell procedure.
Thanks for the continued prayers! More to come…
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Stem Cells have been harvested
Here are a couple of photos.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
This is one handed Debbie updating. I have an IV that will take about 5 hours. The stem cell harvesting will begin about 3:00. This will be a longer day.
This morning we shared the Jeremiah verse with Marilee and Chip at the hotel. When we arrived at the clinic, Larry went to make coffee. Chip wanted to make sure he got back in time to pray for us for the day. That has been a precious time.
I brought my Bible this morning so I could show Dr. Andrade the scripture in Psalm 103 (1st blog). Larry also quoted the Jeremiah passage. Dr. A translated for Antonio, the physical therapist, so he would know what we were saying.
Just looked at the clock and it is 1:30! Anticipation!
This morning we shared the Jeremiah verse with Marilee and Chip at the hotel. When we arrived at the clinic, Larry went to make coffee. Chip wanted to make sure he got back in time to pray for us for the day. That has been a precious time.
I brought my Bible this morning so I could show Dr. Andrade the scripture in Psalm 103 (1st blog). Larry also quoted the Jeremiah passage. Dr. A translated for Antonio, the physical therapist, so he would know what we were saying.
Just looked at the clock and it is 1:30! Anticipation!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010 - Day Three in the Clinic
(Update from Larry)
We started the day with our usual breakfast in the hotel restaurant. We are beginning to feel right at home. The head waiter came up and shook my hand, just like at Guadalajara in Houston. Deb ordered her usual "one scrambled egg". The first day had to be at least two eggs. Today looked more like "four" eggs. Don't believe me, here's a photo.
This is the Big Day! The stem cell transplant begins at around 3:00 this afternoon. Debbie will go first before the other MS patient.
Dr. Andrade just came in a few minutes ago. We shared with him some of scriptures we are claiming today. He explained how he likes to take the day slow and prepare spiritually by praying that God will bless all that he does today. He recognizes the significance of what will happen.
Deb continues to work with Antonio and physical therapy. He is explaining the exercises he wants her to do tonight at the hotel, and beyond. Exercise and activity will be extremely important in the days ahead. Pray for stamina and determination. We know this will be very important!
We started the day with our usual breakfast in the hotel restaurant. We are beginning to feel right at home. The head waiter came up and shook my hand, just like at Guadalajara in Houston. Deb ordered her usual "one scrambled egg". The first day had to be at least two eggs. Today looked more like "four" eggs. Don't believe me, here's a photo.
This is the Big Day! The stem cell transplant begins at around 3:00 this afternoon. Debbie will go first before the other MS patient.
Dr. Andrade just came in a few minutes ago. We shared with him some of scriptures we are claiming today. He explained how he likes to take the day slow and prepare spiritually by praying that God will bless all that he does today. He recognizes the significance of what will happen.
Deb continues to work with Antonio and physical therapy. He is explaining the exercises he wants her to do tonight at the hotel, and beyond. Exercise and activity will be extremely important in the days ahead. Pray for stamina and determination. We know this will be very important!
The Big Day
Psalm 118:24
24 This is the day the LORD has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 115:1
1 Not to us, O LORD, not to us
but to your name be the glory,
because of your love and faithfulness.
but to your name be the glory,
because of your love and faithfulness.
Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. sends Larry a verse each morning. This was his verse for today:
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
We are claiming the truth of this passage for today!
My Prayer:
“Father, you did not promise complete, physical healing today, but you did promise me your presence. That is what I need. May my desire for spiritual health be as real as my hope for physical health. I know that faith and obedience please you. May I be a delight to you today in my thoughts, words, actions, and reactions. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”
Quote by Richard Alves: "Hope is hearing the melody of the future. Faith is to dance to it now."
From Larry:
Today is a most important day! Debbie received chelation and chemo along with a number of other injections the first two days. Today the neurologist will harvest Debbie's stem cells. The first 50,000,000 will be put back via spinal tap directly into the meninges of the brain. The rest of the 500,000,000 harvested will be processed then put back in the next two days through IVs.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
October 12, 2010 - Tuesday Evening
We enjoyed the cool breeze and sitting by the pool this afternoon. I lost my appetite, for the first time, this afternoon and evening. We went to dinner but I ended up bringing mine back with us. Fortunately, I was able to eat later on and even washed my hair. I am overwhelmed with God's answers to so many prayers. I have not experienced the symptoms that many have with this treatment. Love and appreciate you!
Tuesday Evening - "So Close, Yet So Far Away!"
Well, it's me again! The one who loves Starbucks Coffee - strong and hot. Can you imagine the sheer torture seeing a Starbucks sign directly in front of our hotel, only to discover it is located on the other side of a "round-a-bout"?! It is not just any round-a-bout (intersection of Perthshire and Benignus), but one with four lanes of traffic going around it all hours of the day and night. To make things worse, we are discovering that the "ALTO" signs do not really mean "STOP". One of the locals described that it really means, "be careful that you do not hit anyone as you proceed through"!
Take a look at two photos that illustrate. First, the shot of the Starbucks sign in the distance.
Not to worry, I'll not be coming home having gone through withdrawls from a week without Starbucks. I came packed and ready with a hopefully ample supply of Starbucks "VIA" Readybrew!
Take a look at two photos that illustrate. First, the shot of the Starbucks sign in the distance.
Now the photo of the Mexican round-a-bout!
Not to worry, I'll not be coming home having gone through withdrawls from a week without Starbucks. I came packed and ready with a hopefully ample supply of Starbucks "VIA" Readybrew!
October 12, 2010 - Tuesday Afternoon
We are back at the hotel. We left the clinic around 2:00 this afternoon. After two physical therapy sessions, I am a little more fatigued and sleepy today...but not feeling sick. Antonio, the therapist, enjoys me counting the repetitions in Spanish. Just want to make sure he is keeping up with how many I have completed, since he speaks limited English. At 62, Antonio still plays serious soccer.
I also had two IVs and four shots today.
Every person working in the clinic has a true servant's heart. It has been an amazing experience. We have enjoyed being with the other MS patient and her husband. They live outside of Nashville. Chip and Larry have enjoyed computer conversations and working on the computers during the treatment sessions.
We are going to sit by the pool and enjoy this incredible day.
Thanks for continuing to lift us up in prayer!
I also had two IVs and four shots today.
Every person working in the clinic has a true servant's heart. It has been an amazing experience. We have enjoyed being with the other MS patient and her husband. They live outside of Nashville. Chip and Larry have enjoyed computer conversations and working on the computers during the treatment sessions.
We are going to sit by the pool and enjoy this incredible day.
Thanks for continuing to lift us up in prayer!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010 - Back at the Clinic
Second day is the same as the first, only without the chemo today!
Debbie received more physical theraphy today. He was impressed with how her nerves were responding quickly. Antonio will do physical therapy every day.
The clinic is just about three blocks from the Lucerna Hotel. We were here in less than five minutes.
Debbie received more physical theraphy today. He was impressed with how her nerves were responding quickly. Antonio will do physical therapy every day.
The clinic is just about three blocks from the Lucerna Hotel. We were here in less than five minutes.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Ephesians 3:20-21 (New International Version)
20Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
You prayed and God blessed!
I was not sick at all last night! Great night of rest!
More later, but just wanted you to know this first thing today. Thank you for your faithfulness to pray for us.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Monday Afternoon, 4:00 p.m., Oct. 11, Back at the Hotel Lucerna
(Update from Larry) - We were greeted with the following passage, "Your faith has healed you...", Matt. 9:22, imprinted on the glass wall as we entered the clinic this morning. We saw it again as we were escorted back to the hotel by Christina. This was a day involving many IVs and shots (from top to bottom, including the stomach). Sorry folks, Deb would not let me get the camera out for this part. That big red one in the glut took a while to go in. Angelina (not Jolie) was very careful and gentle as each shot was administered.
We are about to go out and sit by the pool before dinner.
We are about to go out and sit by the pool before dinner.
Larry FINALLY gets to speak!
It is me, Larry, I finally took MY laptop away from Debbie. I will try to get you caught up on a few things.
Deb just started working with a physical therapist, Antonio, who is working toward "retraining" the nerves and muscles to do what they were supposed to do all along. I am ready to take my shoes off and ask for my turn. He really knows what he is doing. It is amazing to watch, since he does not speak hardly any English. Everyone else's English around here is quite good - much better than my Spanish.
We will continue here at the clinic until around 4:00 pm.
There are three patients receiving treatment in the room. All three of the "caregivers/spouses" are working on laptops. Grateful for Wi-Fi.
The Hotel is nice and the food there is good. We had grilled seabass for a very reasonable price last night.
The back door of our hotel room goes out to a patio that overlooks one of three pools.
Here is one of the photos:
This is the front of Hotel Lucerna. Notice the large fountain in front. Debbie liked this.
OK, one more "melon art" from breakfast this morning.
Deb is now receiving an IV drip of vitamins.
Christina, from the clinic, just left to get our lunch orders.
Deb just started working with a physical therapist, Antonio, who is working toward "retraining" the nerves and muscles to do what they were supposed to do all along. I am ready to take my shoes off and ask for my turn. He really knows what he is doing. It is amazing to watch, since he does not speak hardly any English. Everyone else's English around here is quite good - much better than my Spanish.
We will continue here at the clinic until around 4:00 pm.
There are three patients receiving treatment in the room. All three of the "caregivers/spouses" are working on laptops. Grateful for Wi-Fi.
The Hotel is nice and the food there is good. We had grilled seabass for a very reasonable price last night.
The back door of our hotel room goes out to a patio that overlooks one of three pools.
Here is one of the photos:
OK, one more "melon art" from breakfast this morning.
Deb is now receiving an IV drip of vitamins.
Christina, from the clinic, just left to get our lunch orders.
October 11, 2010, #2
This is still Debbie. We have met the other couple who are here for the treatment. We are in a big room with lounge chairs for our treatment this morning. I have completed the first IV of chelation to remove toxins and heavy metals and have had one injection for anti-clotting. I’m on an IV of Cytoxan to stabilize the immune system. Another injection is coming soon.
Small world…the other couple is from outside Nashville, TN. They know Stuart Spears who works for the Titans. Stuart grew up at Tallowood.
The doctor has met with us this morning and explained the procedures in detail. He did say the next two days would be difficult. What a small price to pray for progress.
Marilee, Chip, Larry, and I joined hands to pray together this morning. Dr. Andrade joined our circle. When Larry finished praying, Dr. Andrate said, “I do everything I do for the name of Jesus.”
There is a God given peace and overwhelming rightness about what we are doing. More later…
MondayMorning, October 11, 2010
Romans 15:13 (New International Version)
13May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
It’s Here! The First Day of Treatment!
We have been so blessed by your prayers and comments on the blog, facebook, and e-mails. It’s humbling and exciting to know that so many of you are praying on our behalf. Please continue to pray for my doctor and his team as well. We so want to be reflections of God’s light while we are here, both at the medical center and at the hotel with the restaurant waiters and hotel staff.
We both had a great night of rest. I’m sure there are several reasons why, but it has been a difficult morning of walking and moving around. Thank you Lord for providing a place and people who offer hope today.
One of the doctor’s workers will be here at 9:30 to pick us up at the hotel. She will pick us up and bring us back to the hotel each day. We have her picture so it will nice to meet her in person.
Larry will take over the blog, during the treatments, so that you will have timely updates. We are so grateful that you are sharing this journey with us.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
God was again fvaithful with details...
God was again faithful with details…
Didn’t sleep much last night…kind of like the night before Christmas or the first day of school.
Woke up at 4:30 to prepare for the day.
Micki, Mark, and Sarah (sister and family) went with us to the airport.
Plane left early and arrived early.
Pedro picked us up at the airport. Knowing we were coming for medical reasons, when we asked to stop and get bottled water, he called his mother and found out about an organic store in San Diego where we could also get fruit. That was a blessing, without even asking for it. Pedro is married and has three children. He is so proud of his family.
Pedro drove through a special transportation shuttle van service line at the border. When they knew we were there for medical reasons, they checked the back quickly and waved us through.
The hotel is one block from the U.S. Embassy and in a very nice part of town. It is surrounded by nice office buildings. The hotel is often used for conventions and business meetings.
We ate at the hotel and had baked chicken and fresh vegetables…just what we needed. This "watermelon art" was on the dessert table next to where we sat.
It has been a very relaxing and enjoyable afternoon.
Organized all the papers for the doctor tomorrow so Larry knows where everything is located.
Enjoyed spending all day with Larry!

We're Here
After a great flight, we departed and arrived early, we are checked into the hotel. Our shuttle driver, Pedro, was waiting for us at baggage. He took us to an organic store in San Diego to purchase water and fruit. Because of the shuttle service, we made it over the border in record time. The accommodations are very nice. We are one block from the American Consulate. We will unpack and then get a bite to eat.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Our Bags are Packed. We're Ready to Go!
Our bags are packed. We're ready to go!
In a few hours, we will be leaving on a jet plane as we continue on a journey of faith. Thanks for sharing it with us through your prayers and words of encouragement.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Micah 6 - The Message
Micah 6 - The Message
What God Is Looking For
8But he's already made it plain how to live, what to do,what God is looking for in men and women.
It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor,
be compassionate and loyal in your love,
And don't take yourself too seriously—
take God seriously.
What a timely verse as we prepare for this next week.
Please pray that I will take every opportunity to be a blessing to the medical team and the other MS patient we will meet next week.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Wednesday, October 6 - Schedule
A few notes to help you know about the upcoming week…
Sunday, Oct. 10 Fly to San Diego, California and go to Tijuana, Mexico
Sunday, Oct. 10 Fly to San Diego, California and go to Tijuana, Mexico
The following are general overviews of what will happen each day.
Monday, Oct. 11 Day 1 of Treatment - (rough day and night)
Chelation - to clean cells
Chelation - to clean cells
Cytoxan – to stabilize immune system
Urifron – mild form of chemo
Inositol – anti-inflammatory
Plus all kinds of IVs and injections all day
Tuesday, Oct. 12 Day 2 of Treatment - (rough day and night)
Same as Day 1 minus the Urifron chemo
Wednesday, Oct. 13 Day 3 of Treatment - BIG DAY!!!
Infusion of high doses of amino acids to
wake up cells so stems will secure
wake up cells so stems will secure
Stem cells harvested
Stem cells processed
1st round of cells put in through a spinal
Thursday, Oct. 14 Day 4 of Treatment
IVs, injections
Stem cells injected
Friday, Oct. 15 Day 5 of Treatment
IVs and injections
Meet with doctors for procedures on exercise, diet
Saturday, Oct. 16 Fly home to Houston!
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